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Belongings (East of Youth / West of Future) _ 2019
Steel, Aluminium, PVC, faux leather, Acrylic, Wood, Electric Cable

In my new installation, Belongings, I concentrated on our connection with a moment as well as our
connection with a material/colour.
The material-use represents our connection with the digital reality. It creates an artificial, futuristic
environment, yet it stays somehow natural. What is our reality? Neither we live only in artificial
spaces, nor in natural environment. How can we decide what is an artificial space and what isn’t? The
PVC sheets, “liquefied” by heat feel completely human, covered with light beige, light pink or even
blue paint it doesn’t feel strange, it feels close and breathing.
The empty cube made out of steel creates a room in a room, a cube in a cube, creates a space for
the plastic sheets, an environment. It divides and unites the space at the same time. Outside the
space there’s a blue rectangle, covered halfway with faux leather and a PVC sheet, it connects the
space of the room together with the room inside the cube, it functions as an extension of the inner
Through the moment we spend inside/outside/around the work, we can consume a fleeting
moment. The movement of the video layer, the slightly recognizable movement of the plastic sheets.
The moment consists visible, imagined and touchable parts depending on our perception. Either we
feel connected or outsider, we still consume the effect. The light pastels create a romantic, calming
environment, which is harmonic with the feathery feeling of the plastic, but broken by the presence
of shiny steel and aluminium.
The video layer, and the techno-y quick changes of the pictures breaks it and pull it together again.
Nevertheless, it changes the whole feeling of environment. It also functions in itself as description of
the objects floating in the space. There`s no final state neither any kind of solution. The change is
constant, it’s always only a moment. The layers are disappearing and appearing realities, everything
is just almost there but nothing really is. In the end is there anything real in this?

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